Bash-скрипт для сохранения конфигурации DE
hello dear friends,
I'm curious if I could get help finding a way to quickly change Taskbar’s standard Applet settings in Cinnamon ('Grouped window list' Applet, to be exact).
Basically, having switched to Mint from KDE, I am very used to the way you can cycle through open windows by left clicking the app icon. Also, launching a new instance of an app by clicking the mouse wheel.
In Mint, luckily, this is configured by right clicking any app icon in your Taskbar -> pick 'Applet preferences' -> then 'Configure' -> find 'Left click action' , change to 'Cycle windows' . Then I always change 'Middle click action' to 'Launch new app instance'.
The question is - what would be a Bash script to change these settings for me?
*I am not an advanced user and will appreciate any help.TopjustanotherguyLevel 1

Posts: 15Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:32 pm
Re: Bash script to change Applet settings
Post by justanotherguy » Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:51 pm
Based on your expectations from KDE and being able to left-click each app icon, I would just replace the Grouped Window List applet with the Window List applet. That gives you a new app icon in the taskbar/panel for each instance of every app opened.
I am not sure why you wish to do this in Bash, except for the case of a post-install script where you might be interested in changing the settings just once for a user on a particular computer. If this is the case, you would just need to configure your desktop elements as you wish, then export to a text file using:
dconf dump / > full-dconf-dump
Then open up that resulting file, find just the section you want with the panel applets, and copy and paste that to a new file of specific settings for later use. Upon restoring this new file to a different user account or a different machine, it would only change just that part of your user settings in Cinnamon:
dconf load / < partial-dconf-dump
This will work for much of Cinnamon, except for a handful of items that are stored in other ways, due to different packages employed and the ways they store data.Top

majpooperLevel 8

Posts: 2025Joined: Thu May 09, 2013 1:56 pmLocation: North Carolina, USA
Post by majpooper » Wed Nov 22, 2023 4:41 pm
BLUF - yes a simple bash script can do this.
By editing the settings-schema.json for the applet you can change the preferences you want to change. But why do you want to do this using a bash script rather than just making the change to the applet on the panel ?
(1) I copied the grouped-window-list applet from here (you will have to do this with root privileges)
to here
replace majpooper with your user_name
(2) in the /home/majpooper/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/ directory I did a copy of settings-schema.json and then a paste so I had a copy of the original (just a good habit in case you jack up the original somehow) so I now have a copy named settings-schema (copy).json
(3) Here is a very simple script that will edit the settings-schema.json file - I called it
sed -i '120s/2/3/' ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/
sed -i '130s/3/2/' ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/
exit 0
I create a directory in home named bin in which I keep my bash scripts but you can run it from a directory that you prefer. I always use the file extension .sh - just a preference on my part but not required in linux. Last make the script executable
chmod +x
As far as dconf is concerned - first you have to make sure you have dconf-editor (you may have by default - if not you will have to install it). I looked at a dconf dump and could not find the grouped-window-list applet settings. So not sure dconf would work.